Render Size: (640x480)

Render Downscale: (1 = none)

Camera FOV:


Focus Distance:

Samples Per Frame:

Accumulation Limit:

Bounce Limit:

Sky Color
Simple Render
Enable Overlay

While the mouse is clicked on the viewport and held...

  • WASD to move the camera horzontally, Q/E for down/up.
  • Drag the mouse in the direction you want the camera to turn.
  • Hold either shift to make the camera travel 5x as fast.

Additional Controls:

  • Ctrl + click (in the window) to "select" - currently not implemented other than displaying.
  • Resize the frame freely be dragging the anchor in the bottom right corner (doesn't work on mobile).
  • When holding a key down and dis/re-selecting the canvas with a mouse, those inputs will not be available until also released and re-pressed (usually not a big deal).
  • Accidentally highlighting text when dragging the camera around can cause funky movement behavior (try fullscreen mode for large camera movements).
  • Lower resolutions and samples/pixel/frame will result in better framerate, but in the case of the latter, longer convergence time.
  • When simply waiting for a render to finish (not modifying the camera) there is no reason not to crank the samples per frame in order for the computation to run as fast as possible.
  • Scenes with higher contrasts in lighting or relatively small light sources that are very bright will need much more samples to converge.